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If you are viewing this page, it seems your Power Listing payment did not go through. Rest assured, we did not cancel or remove any current listings connected with your business.
Please use the payment button below to submit a new payment and reenroll. 

maintain 50+ top ranking Directories

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Billing Concerns

Monthly billing for our services is based on the specific package you choose and will be charged on a recurring basis. The billing cycle typically starts on the date of sign-up and recurs on the same day each subsequent month.


We accept various payment methods, including credit cards and online payment platforms. Our payment system is designed to ensure a secure and seamless transaction process.


There could be several reasons for a payment failure, such as insufficient funds, expired credit card, or a technical issue with the payment processor. If your payment fails, please ensure that the payment details are correct and try again. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.


No, you will not be charged twice for the same billing period. Our system is designed to prevent duplicate charges, and you will only be billed once per billing cycle.


Yes, you can update your billing information at any time by logging into your account or contacting our support team. It is essential to keep your billing information up to date to avoid any disruptions in service.

Power Listing Program

The Power Listing Program is a service offered by Elevation Media Group that aims to boost your business’s online visibility by submitting your information to various high-ranking business directories and voice search platforms. This program is designed to improve your search engine rankings and attract potential customers actively looking for services in your industry.

Our team will submit your business information to 100+ high-ranking business directories and place them on 50+ relevant directories based on your business category. We will also submit your information to popular voice search platforms like Siri, Alexa, Bixby, Google Assistant, and Cortana. These efforts collectively contribute to enhancing your Google SEO and increasing your online visibility.

We regularly monitor and update your listings to ensure that your business information remains accurate and up to date. Additionally, we continually seek new directories that are relevant to your industry and update your listings accordingly.

While we employ industry best practices and a data-driven approach, it’s important to note that no reputable agency can guarantee specific rankings on search engine results. SEO is influenced by various factors, and search engines’ algorithms continually evolve. However, we can assure you that our team will work diligently to improve your rankings and overall online visibility.

The time it takes to see significant results can vary based on the competitiveness of your industry, the current state of your website, and other factors. Generally, SEO is a gradual process, and it may take a few months to see noticeable improvements. Rest assured, our team will provide regular updates and transparent reporting on the progress of your campaign.

No, the Power Listing Program is typically offered on a month-to-month basis. The duration may vary based on how long you choose to stay in the program with you in the drivers seat! We recommend a period of 6 to 12 months to receive the maximum benefits.

While we recommend a long-term approach to SEO for sustained results, we understand that business needs can vary. We offer flexible packages to accommodate your requirements, and you can choose between monthly retainer contracts or shorter-term projects. Our priority is to deliver value and help your business grow.

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